Life is by trial and error. This applies to both private and business life. Therefore, the Deming PDCA-circle is always useful.
P = Plan, D = Do, C = Check, A = Act.
Life is by trial and error. This applies to both private and business life. Therefore, the Deming PDCA-circle is always useful.
P = Plan, D = Do, C = Check, A = Act.
One does not need coffee to wake up; one wakes up for coffee! That is a fact. It does not make sence, but who cares?
If you think life is easy, you’re out of luck. You face situations every day that are difficult and that you can’t just learn from books. But better something than nothing.
People all over the world will be emotional It is true! The website is alive and my first post is published. The site is storing my visual library and wil grow in the fly with and sketchnoting and doodles.